Slovak Premiere for succesful Photo Book of Filip Kulisev, Master QEP
Photographer Filip Kulisev introduced new book Amazing Planet during opening ceremony of his exhibition Filip Kulisev, Master QEP, Amazing Planet, hosted by President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gasparovic in Presidential Palace in Bratislava. The visitors can admire twenty of images from Filip´s new book, which helped him to win the highest title of the Professional photographer, Master QEP as well until the end of February.The third monography of Filip Kulisev has impressive dimensions. The book provides more than 500 pictures of various formats including maps illustrating the location where the specific natural wonder can be found. With size 29 to 29 centimetres and 624 pages weighs more than 5 kilograms. It´s been my most extensive work and I´m very proud on it. Amazing Planet introduces 111 of the most beautiful places on Earth. Included are all continents and a diversity of landscapes from glaciers through mountain lakes, deserts, oceans, and canyons, to hardly accessible places in national parks all over the world, Filip Kulisev told. Amazing Planet was translated into 14 languages and released with cooperation of Publishing Houses Slovart and Frechmann Kolon from Cologne.
The book was presented by Director of Slovart Juraj Heger. With Filip we´ve had very good cooperation for several years. Admirers of the beautiful natural sceneries will be very satisfied, Juraj Heger added. Amazing Planet has already won first international success. In Lyon was selected as the second most wonderful FEP European Photo Book of the Year 2010 in the category Nature. International jury appreciated by Filip technically impeccable form of his images, great sense of detail and main message of the book, that there are still wonderful places on the Earth worth to protect for next generations.