FEP photo and video qualifications
European Photographers and Videographers!
PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS – The next QEP and MQEP judging session will be in Amsterdam next November, 19-20. Pictures must be on site within November 17. However, if you want to apply, the time for sending your pre-registration (the application form) is now: this year the DEADLINE for PRE-REGISTRATIONS is OCTOBER 15! HURRY UP and do not lose the chance to be awarded with the well known and highest European Titles, only for FEP members! APPLY NOW!
PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHERS – The FEP is working for you too. We launched in 2015 a new set of qualification only for professionals who work in the videography industry, to give them the EV European Videographer title and the QEV Qualified European Videographer title. At the first judging session last November, the FEP awarded 8 EV and 15 QEV. The SECOND VIDEO QUALIFICATION SESSION will be in Segovia, Spain, on November 1-2, 2016. Checkout: DEADLINE TO REGISTER: OCTOBER 15! Dont let it expire! APPLY NOW!
Full rules and regulations for photo and video qualification are available at the FEP website HERE
Picture by Eugenio Li Volsi, QEP, Italy