FETA Award 2016, first results
THE FEP FETA AWARD 2016. We know those who earned merits. And the winner is
The FEP Emerging Talent Award 2016, organised in co-operation with several scholastic institutes around Europe, and limited to the best young, meritorious students, has now been judged and we finally have the official results.
The international judging panel, composed of Jean-Félix Bernetel (France), Jørgen Brandt (Denmark), and Martin Vrabko (Slovakia) and chaired by Jim Lowe (UK), assigned merits to (In alphabetic order):
Linnea Ernofsson, Falmouth University, United Kingdom
Priscilla Pallante, IED Istituto Europeo del Design, Rome, Italy
Gina Reinholz, Bildungszentrum, Handwerkskammer, Dortmund, Germany
Martin Vocadlo, Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyn? University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Laura Wallkötter, Bildungszentrum, Handwerkskammer, Dortmund, Germany
Amongst them, there is the winner!
The winner will be announced in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on Sunday, November 20th at 6.00 pm. The event will be held in the photographic Institute Fotovakschool, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, 1017 DE Amsterdam. The FETA award winner, will also receive the prestigious Kunio Yatomi Scholarship Award, issued by the IPC the International Photographic Council and presented by Tor Weatherstone, IPC, Vice President.