FEP Book Prize 2017: Official Results
The FEP “BEST BOOK 2017” goes to: “The Life in Tibet”, photographer Wang Hui, China.On Sunday April 2, at the FEP Awards Ceremony, during the FEP Photo Day event, Catania, Italy, the prizes of the biennial FEP Photo Book Prize were announced and awarded. These were presented by the Photo Book Prize competitions chairman Adriano Scognamillo. Here are the official results:PORTRAIT category: The history of an era, it’s icons, contradictions with a touch of nostalgia and great professionalism. The winner is the “Edition Lammerhuber, from Austria, with the book In Love With Photography. Authors of the book are Volker Hinz and Peter Matthias Gaede.
MONOGRAPH category: The book shows a very clear and consistent approach to subject matter, nice sober styling for design. High level of technical stills, without the overly processed approach often seen in urban explorer photography. The winner is Morren Galleries, from Netherlands, with the book Touched by Time, photographer Daan Oude Elferink.
LANDSCAPE category: These photographs, taken of well-known battlegrounds, capture not only the landscape but the human history that lies in it. The peaceful and beautiful images bear witness of the capacity of the world to survive and repair itself with beauty and grace. The winner is again Edition Lammerhuber, from Austria, with the book Fields of Battle – Lands of Peace, 1914-1918. The author is Michael St Maur Sheil.
SELF PUBLISHED category: Our highest compliments to a highly skilled artisan, photographer, editor and work photographed. The book produced is exceptional. The winner is Pierre Delaunay, from France, with Atelier du Vitrail Saint-Joseph.
SELF PROMOTION category: Nature and sensations, abstraction and reflections lead the observer in our world, old but new, always full of meanings. The winner is photographer Peter Lik, from Las Vegas, USA, with the book Equation of Time .
REPORTAGE category: An extraordinary publisher that captures unsung stories and presents them without stereotypes or inhibitions. With 3 books winnings in this category: White Ebony (author: Patricia Villocq), Copacabana Palace (author: Peter Bauza) and Bis Zum Horizont/Towards The Horizon (authors: Emil Gataullin and Peter-Matthias Gaede), the Edition Lammerhuber from Austria wins the title of Best Publisher 2017
SPECIAL MENTION: For his sensitivity and realism in a work that presents the powerful stories of wounded Dutch veterans. The winner of this special mention is the photographer Dennis Van Lingen, from Netherlands, with Wounded Dutch Veterans.And finally, the title of the FEP BEST BOOK 2017 goes to: “THE LIFE IN TIBET”, photographer Wang Hui. A young Chinese man teaches Tibetan boys and captures their daily life with great joy and lightness, writing the captions in his own blood. A unique, impressive work in two volumes that is rich in poetry.
Picture: Meeting of the FEP Book Prize Jury, March 26, Perugia, Italy