A big thanks to our competition judges!
The FEP wants to give a warm thanks to the judges of the FEP Professional Photographer of the Year 2018 Competition. Your work is a precious resource for us and an high quality contribution to the world of professional photographers! Hundreds of photos to see, study, judge … The time you spent there was very a lot, thank you!
Thanks to:Jury 1 (Wedding/Portrait/Illustration)
Nunzia Borrelli, QEP (Italy)
Tom Doherty, QEP (Ireland)
Tiina Haring, MQEP (Finland)
Terri Lindholm, QEP (Sweden)
Rui Teixeira, MQEP (Portugal)
Jury 2 (Commercial/Fashion/Landscape)
Antonio Barrella, MQEP (Italy)
Pierre Delaunay, MQEP (France)
Martin Krystynek, QEP (Slovakia)
Eva Helene Storm Hanssen (Norway)
Jury 3 (Reportage/Sports/Wildlife/Students)
Jeronimo Heitor Coelho, MQEP (Portugal)
Milos Fic, QEP (Czech Rep)
Mary Guillen, MQEP (Spain)
Franck Lecrenay, MQEP (France)
Jens Eldøy (Norway)
The FEP officially wants to send a warm thanks also to MQEP Jørgen Brandt from Denmark, who chaired this competition with great passion and professionalism from 2011 to 2018. He has been awarded at the FEP Awards Ceremony with a FEP Merit Award. From the next edition, the new Chairman will be the former board member QEP Johan Brouwers, from Belgium.