World Photographic Cup 2019 in Drammen, Norway
The city of Drammen, in Norway, will be the place for hosting the WPC FINALS 2019! The dates for the event is April 8th and the venue is planned to be at the Drammen Theater.
Following the decision of the WPC Governing Committee, the news of Norway being the chosen arena for the 2019 WPC finals was received with enthusiasm and joy by local association. A special committee has already started the planning, booking venues and looking for adequate program for the lectures.
Here are some links you might be interested to visit:
http://www.drammensteater.no/ https://www.facebook.com/105166962858815/photos/817336814975156/http://www.borsenfestlokaler.no/
“I look forward to meeting and hosting you all in Norway on April 2019 ” said Truls Lotvedt, President of FEP and the Norwegian association ” celebrating our international friendship and cooperation, together with the hosting of one more exciting WPC finals event. I hope that the international guests also will take the opportunity to extend their stay in our beautiful country for some more days, at least we will spread information to make that a tempting thought “.