FEP Awards 2021, finalist announcement
We are pleased to announce the finalists of the FEP Awards and the FEP Young Photographer Award 2021. The names will be listed per category and in alphabetical order. The final results will be announced in an online Awards ceremony on Sunday, April 11 at 7.00 pm CET. The online ceremony will premiere on Facebook that evening, we will communicate further details on that closer to the event.
Congratulations to all the finalists, you have done a superb work, and good luck to everybody. In addition we want to thank our competition Chairmen Johan Brouwers and Jim Lowe and their team of over 30 international judges for the hard work they have done.
Günther Egger, Austria
Alex Jeffries, UK
Sanjay Jogia, UK
Antti Karppinen, Finland
Onni Wiljami Kinnunen, Finland
Mathias Kniepeiss, Austria
Carlo Marchi, Italy
Marc Sabat, Finland
Igor Sakharov, Russia
Michael Schnabl, Austria
Patrizia Burra, Italy
Andy J.J. Hens, Germany
Annamati Kemppainen, Finland
Vladimir Schukin, Russia
Alison Becu, Belgium
Ann Coppens, Belgium
Kat De Laet, Belgium
Heidi Järvi, Finland
Franz G Messenbäck, Austria
Katty Plevoets, Belgium
Igor Sakharov, Russia
Johanna Sjövall, Finland
Johanna Vaurio, Finland
Kristi Vilmunen, Finland
Therese Asplund, Sweden
Edita Bizova, Czech Republic
Cormac Byrne, Ireland
Joao Carlos, Portugal
Giorgia Corniola, Italy
Lianne Dekker, the Netherlands
Günther Egger, Austria
Michael Schnabl, Austria
Max Solve, Russia
Martina Wärenfeldt, Sweden
Therese Asplund, Sweden
Giorgia Corniola, Italy,
Antti Karppinen, Finland
Tomas Paule, Slovakia
Pia Maria Rautio, Finland
Peter Rooney, UK
Marc Sabat, Finland
Andreas Varro, Sweden
Mathieu Paul Gabriel Vasse, France
Martina Wärenfeldt, Sweden
Rene Algesheimer, Switzerland
Peter Gordon, Ireland
Thorarinn Jonsson, Iceland
Daragh Muldowney, Ireland
Karel Mus, Belgium
Marcos Ribeiro, Portugal
Jan Smid, Czech Republic
Peter Svoboda, Slovakia
Miroslava Truskova, Czech Republic
Markus van Hauten, Germany
Katti Borré, Belgium
Ann Coppens, Belgium
Tanya Crosbie, Ireland
Antti Hallakorpi, Finland
Sonja Jordan, Austria
Irina Petrova, Russia
Jan Smid, Czech Republic
Peter Svoboda, Slovakia
Markus van Hauten, Germany
Dan Verbruggen, Belgium
Therese Asplund, Sweden
Cormac Byrne, Ireland
Jesús Castillo, Spain
Dawid Galinski, Poland
Claudiu Guraliuc, Romania
Svetlana Melik-Nubarova, Kazakstan
Natalia Pipkina, Norway
Pia Maria Rautio, Finland
Suvi Roiko, Finland
Martina Wärenfeldt, Sweden
Jesús Blasco de Avellaneda, Spain
Rui Caria, Portugal
Roberto Colacioppo, Italy
Francesco Congedo, Italy
Luis Godinho, Portugal
Francois Gueneau, France
Manuel Iglesias, Spain
Victor Martinez Campos, Spain
Alfonso Novo, Spain
Evi Polak, Belgium
Risto Raunio, Finland
Lea Torrieri, France
Pedro Luis Ajurianguerra Saiz, Spain
Sergey Areshev, Russia
Colin Brister, Ireland
Lianne Dekker, the Netherlands
David Farrell, Ireland
Matthias Fritzenwallner, Austria
Fargana Gasimli, Azerbaijan
Victor Martinez Campos, Spain
Hannu Rainamo, Finland
Peter Svoboda, Slovakia
Valter Antunes, Portugal
Andrey Balabasov, Germany
Jesús Castillo, Spain
Thibault Chappe, France
Sanjay Jogia, UK
Patrick Lombaert, France
Faustino Maldonado Roman, Spain
Carlos Felipe Ortiz, Spain
Miguel Ponte, Portugal
Ivan Schirmenti, Italy
Manola van Leeuwe, the Netherlands
Colin Brister, Ireland
Ann Coppens, Belgium
Michal Dobes, Czech Republic
Massimo Giorgetta, Italy
Hannelore Kirchner, Austria
Tracey Lund, UK
Risto Raunio, Finland
Martin Steenhaut, Belgium
Soren Sviland, Norway
Cecile Terrasse, France
Raïs de Weirdt, Belgium
Lene Fossdal, Norway
Jan Rabara, Slovakia
In each category of the main competition, the TOP 3 photographers will be awarded with Bronze, Silver and Golden Cameras. The winners of the Golden Cameras will also compete for the competition’s overall winner’s title, the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2021. In the Young Photographers’ competition we will award one winner and 2 merit award winners.
The trophies of all Camera winners and the Young Photographer Award winner will be sent to them by post or courier after the results have been published. All certificates for medalists and finalists (from 4th place to 10th place or merit winners of the Young Photographer competition) will be available for download on our website after the results have been published.
During the same ceremony, FEP European Photo Book Prize winners will be announced and awarded. Also these awards and certificates will be sent / available for download.
All the other photographers getting single awards for their images, but who are not within the TOP 10, will receive notification of their certificates by email after the event and their awarded images will be published online.
Finally, congratulations to all of the finalists on your excellent achievements! We hope you will all be watching the awards ceremony on April 11!