EP Session n.40, Official Results
We are happy to announce that the following professional photographers got the EP – European Photographer title, at the last EP online session.
They are in alphabetic order per country:
Anastasia Steiner, EP, Austria
Alexander Sandev, EP, Bulgaria
Riitta Airaksinen, EP, Finland
Maarit Lahikainen, EP, Finland
Kati Latva-Panula, EP, Finland
Hanna Mulli, EP, Finland
Petra Tiihonen, EP, Finland
Jarno Vuorinen, EP, Finland
Hermeline Boucher, EP, France
Theresa Herzog, EP, Germany
Andreas Fischer, EP, Russia
Alexander Ippolitov, EP, Russia
Lukash Vardanyan, EP, Russia
Marian Kuric, EP, Slovakia
Click here for the results gallery
Apply online now for EP session #41!
Deadline for applications: September, 30, 2021.