FEP Awards 2022, finalist announcement
We are pleased to announce the FEP Awards and FEP Young Photographer Award finalists 2022. All names are listed alphabetically under the respective category. The Awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, May 1 in Rome, Italy. All finalists will be contacted personally to give them further information about the event in Rome. In each category of the FEP Awards, the TOP 3 photographers will be awarded with Bronze, Silver and Golden Cameras. The winners of the Golden Cameras will also compete for the competition’s overall winner’s title, the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2022. In the Young Photographers’ competition we will award one winner and additional merit award winners Like every year, there are also images outside of the final receiving single image awards. These will be revealed after the Awards ceremony. Congratulations to all of the finalists, you can be proud of your achievements! We hope to see you in Rome receiving your awards!
- Barrella Antonio, Italy
- Boto André, Portugal
- Holovej Dušan, Slovakia
- Karppinen Antti, Finland
- Kinnunen Onni Wiljami, Finland
- Mitterhumer Oliver, Austria
- Neto Franklin, Portugal
- O’Sullivan Roger, Ireland
- Smart Gavin, UK
- Wichmann Henrik, Denmark
- Burra Patrizia, Italy
- Carlos João, Portugal
- Hens Andy J.J., Germany
- Karppinen Antti, Finland
- Messenbäck Franz G., Austria
- O’Byrne Vincent, Ireland
- Ortega Romero Jose Manuel, Spain
- Asplund Therese, Sweden
- Brister Colin, UK
- Clicteur Pieter, Belgium
- De Laet Kat, Belgium
- Lehtonen Ida, Finland
- Lund Tracey, UK
- McGovern Jessica, UK
- Palsi-Ikonen Annamaria, Finland
- Smedts An, Belgium
- Vaurio Johanna, Finland
- Vilmunen Kristi, Finland
- Asplund Therese, Sweden
- Carlos João, Portugal
- Corniola Giorgia, Italy
- Daenen Bert, Belgium
- Esteban Vicente, Spain
- Krobath Lizz, Austria
- Miranda Luis, Portugal
- Peeters Joeri, Belgium
- Pipkina Natalia, Norway
- Wärenfeldt Martina, Sweden
- Asplund Therese, Sweden
- Boto André, Portugal
- Derecka Hanna, Poland
- Gonzáles Manuel, Spain
- Guraliuc Claudiu, Romania
- Hietala Sonja, Finland
- Neret Hanna, Sweden
- Santana Carlos, Spain
- Van Gerven Carine, Belgium
- Villebeck Laila, Sweden
- Bard David, Switzerland
- Brenner Stefan, Austria
- Gordon Peter, Ireland
- Horak Richard, Czech Republic
- Jakesch Philipp, Austria
- Jiménez Jesús, Spain
- Jonsson Thorarinn, Iceland
- McLaughlin Michael, Ireland
- Rodríguez Marcos, Spain
- van Hauten Markus, Germany
- Ajuriaguerra Saiz Pedro Luis, Spain
- Brenner Stefan, Austria
- Coppens Ann, Belgium
- Fernández Ramón, Spain
- Jakesch Philipp, Austria
- McLaughlin Michael, Ireland
- Šmíd Jan, Czech Republic
- Valkovicova Erika, Czech Republic
- van Hauten Markus, Germany
- Vekteris Ingemars, Latvia
- Arvidsson Anna, Sweden
- Castillo Jesús, Spain
- Derecka Hanna, Poland
- Ivarsson Jenny, Sweden
- Kovalyov Ivan, Ukraine
- Pipkina Natalia, Norway
- Rautio Pia Maria, Finland
- Stahre Elin, Sweden
- Villebeck Laila, Sweden
- Wärenfeldt Martina, Sweden
- Antelo Isabel, Spain
- Godinho Luís, Portugal
- Hatløy Cecilie, Norway
- Iglesias Manuel, Spain
- Lombaert Patrick, France
- Martinez Campos Victor, Spain
- Navarro Manuel, Spain
- Novo Alfonso, Spain
- Reñones Pily, Spain
- Rodríguez Marcos, Spain
- Ajuriaguerra Saiz Pedro Luis, Spain
- Brister Colin, UK
- Farrell David, Ireland
- Föls Michael, Austria
- Hatløy Cecilie, Norway
- Kučák Robo, Slovakia
- Miranda Luis, Portugal
- Ploberger Helmut, Austria
- Rainamo Hannu, Finland
- Vink Heleen, The Netherlands
- Antunes Valter, Portugal
- Balabasov Andrey, Germany
- Castillo Jesús, Spain
- Iglesias Manuel, Spain
- Lopes Nuno, Portugal
- Maldonado Román Faustino, Spain
- Monteiro Mário, Portugal
- Pinto Paulo, Portugal
- Ponte Miguel, Portugal
- Ruiz Salva, Spain
- Badermann Erkko, Finland
- Brister Colin, UK
- Dobes Michal, Czech Republic
- Giorgetta Massimo, Italy
- Lund Tracey, UK
- Marchione Giacomo, Italy
- Raunio Risto, Finland
- Surakka Mia, Finland
- Sviland Søren, Norway
- Terrasse Cécile, France
- De Laet Kat, Belgium
- De Weirdt Raïs, Belgium
- Michner Jonas, Germany
- Trebouchon Damien, France