FEP Awards 2023 Results
FEP Professional Photographer of the Year 2023 is André Boto!
2023 marks as a historical year for the FEP Awards, the competition has been in existence since 2010 and every year a different photographer has won it, only now we received our first two-time winner, André Boto of Portugal. Aptly Boto was the one to win the very first title as well back in 2010.
Again over 300 European photographers submitted images for the FEP Awards, clearly this is a competition European photographers value and wish to take part in. We wish to thank you all for all!
It was no easy task for our Chairman Johan Brouwers and his team 30 international judges to go through and evaluate all of the images entered, but as always, they worked hard to complete the task and we can now see the results of their work. So once more a heartfelt thanks to our judges! You can read more about our judges here.
Chairman Brouwers comments: “it is clear an unstoppable wave of new technologies has entered into the FEP competition. Thanks to AI, the digital images category has seen tremendous growth and this was also visible in other categories such as commercial, illustrative and even fashion and portrait.”
This time the FEP Awards took place in the RockOpera theater in beautiful and historic Prague. Man of the evening was undoubtedly André Boto, he was a finalist in a whopping 6 of the competition’s 12 categories and gathered 3 medals, one of each colour: gold, silver and bronze. Being a finalist 6 different categories proves what a versatile and talented photographer he is.
Also notable was the success of a first-time participant Arun Mohanraj from UK, he took part in the FEP Awards for the very first time and goes back home 3 Golden Camera awards to show for his efforts!
The Chairman commented: “For the first time in my five-year presidency of the FEP Awards we had to wait until the very last votes came in before it was clear who the overall winner would be. The competition has never been more close.”
Click here to see all 12 golden camera winners and other winners and awarded images
In addition to finalist position, also single images received awards.
Click here to see the individual image awards
During the FEP Awards ceremony, also the winners of the FEP Young Photographer Award were announced. The FYPA is a competition specifically aimed for young photographes under the age of 30. The winner, Jonas Michler from Germany was already among the finalists of the competition, but this year he upgraded himself to the top position. You can see his portfolio as well as the 2 other merit winners’ portfolios here:
Click here to see the FEP Young Photographer Award winners images
Congratulations to all of our 2023 winners!