QEP judging session June 2023, official results
The Federation of European Professional Photographers gathered in Antwerp, Belgium, for its 43rd qualification judging session.
Today, Saturday 10 of June, 21 professional photographers have been awarded with the QEP title.
Congratulations to our successful candidates which are listed below, in alphabetical order:
Simona Barrella, Italy, QEP Commercial
Andrii Cherlat, Ukraine, QEP Commercial
Caroline Colon, Belgium, QEP Portrait
Gino Defauw, Belgium, QEP Reportage
Delphine Denans, France, QEP Portrait
Caroline Dupont, Belgium, QEP Reportage
Katia De Wasch, Belgium, QEP Portrait
Raïs De Weirdt, Belgium, QEP Wedding & QEP Reportage
Eva Frischling, Austria, QEP Equine Photography
Sandra Helsocht, Belgium, QEP Canine Photography
Paul O’Connell, Ireland, QEP Architectural
Alfred Oosterman, The Netherlands, QEP Fine Art
MA Ortiz, Norway, QEP Portrait
Thomas Poelz, Austria, QEP Portrait
Charlotte Ryckeboer, Belgium, QEP Portrait
Stefano Salvadori, Italy, QEP Wedding
Fiona Spence, UK, QEP Fine art
Gabriela Teplická, Slovakia, QEP Social Document
Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove, Iceland, QEP Landscape
Sven Van Roy, Belgium, QEP Car Photography
Pavel Ziegler, Czech Republic, QEP Fine art
clicking on the names you can see their profiles pages and awarded pictures.