Finalist announcement, FEP Awards and FEP Young Photographer Award 2024
The results of the FEP Awards and the FEP Young Photographer Award are now ready and we are honoured to announce the finalists. All names are listed alphabetically under the respective category.
The Awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, April 13th in Ålesund, Norway. All finalists will be contacted personally to give them further information on the event.
In each category of the FEP Awards, the TOP 3 photographers will be awarded with Bronze, Silver and Golden Cameras. The winners of the Golden Cameras will also compete for the competition’s overall winner’s title, the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year 2024. In the Young Photographers’ competition we will award one winner and 2 additional merit award winners.
Like every year, there are also images outside of the final receiving single image awards and they will be revealed after the Awards ceremony. Congratulations to all of the finalists, you can be proud of your achievements! We hope to see you in Ålesund receiving your awards!
FEP Young Photographer Award
Emma Brillova, Czech Republic
Madelief de Korte, The Netherlands
Manuel Kokseder, Austria
FEP Awards 2024
Advertising / Commercial category
André Boto, Portugal
Stefan Brenner, Austria
Onni Wiljami Kinnunen, Finland
Mika Levälampi, Finland
Sami Mustonen, Finland
Franklin Neto, Portugal
Paul O’Connell, Ireland
Marc Sabat, Finland
David Taylor, United Kingdom
Sven Van Roy, Belgium
Digitally Created Images
Raïs De Weirdt, Belgium
Yann Faucher, France
Manuel González, Spain
Sonja Hietala, Finland
Antti Karppinen, Finland
Onni Wiljami Kinnunen, Finland
Franck Lecrenay, France
Mika Levälampi, Finland
Wim Moortgat, Belgium
Jose Manuel Ortega Romero, Spain
Domesticated Animals
Elke Braet, Belgium
Els Decoodt, Belgium
Nika Kuplenk Golobic, Slovenia
Jessica McGovern, United Kingdom
Arun Mohanraj, United Kingdom
Fleur Scholte, Netherlands
Veronika Sandorova, Slovakia
Marc Vandijck, Belgium
Yvonne van Leeuwen, Netherlands
Maria Yli-Valkama, Finland
Fashion & Beauty
Iuri Akopov, Georgia
Giorgia Corniola, Italy
Lianne Dekker, Netherlands
Vicente Esteban, Spain
Wolfgang Gangl, Austria
Tatya Lushchyk, Belarus
Natalia Pipkina, Norway
Pia Maria Rautio, Finland
Sten Van Slycke, Belgium
Vadym Yatsun, Ukraine
Illustration & Fine art
Sandrine Butot, France
Giorgia Corniola, Italy
Jozef Danyi, Czech Republic
Wolfgang Gangl, Austria
Antti Karppinen, Finland
Onni Wiljami Kinnunen, Finland
Yevhen Kostiuk, Ukraine
Javi Mercader Bornes, Spain
Tomas Paule, Slovakia
Barrie Spence, United Kingdom
Robert Bilos, Germany
Philipp Jakesch, Austria
Wolfgang Mayerhoffer, Austria
Michael McLaughlin, Ireland
Daragh Muldowner, Ireland
Franklin Neto, Portugal
Roger O’Sullivan, Ireland
Andrey Sobolev, Ukraine
Erika Valkovicova, Czech Republic
Markus van Hauten, Germany
Robert Bilos, Germany
Marcek Egger, Austria
Jürgen de Witte, Belgium
Sonja Jordan, Austria
Arun Mohanraj, United Kingdom
Rianne Noordegraaf, Netherlands
Miroslava Truskova, Czech Republic
Markus van Hauten, Germany
Jeroen Van Nieuwenhove, Iceland
Ina Vrinssen, Netherlands
People & Portrait
Anna Arvidsson, Sweden
Wolfgang Gangl, Austria
Marita Gjöse, Norway
Manuel González, Spain
Sonja Hietala, Finland
Liv Inger Monsen, Norway
MA Ortiz, Norway
Pia Maria Rautio, Finland
Pia Rothmann, Norway
Peter Rooney, United Kingdom
Reportage & Photojournalism
Sabine Dopperhofer, Austria
Luis Godinho, Portugal
Manuel Iglesias, Spain
Jesús Jiménez, Spain
Victor Martinez Campos, Spain
Hiwa Naghshi, Austria
Jan Nordtveit, Norway
Paulo Pinto, Portugal
Giuseppe Riccobono, Italy
Yevhen Samuchenko, Ukraine
Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz, Spain
Colin Brister, United Kingdom
Matthias Fritzenwallner, Austria
William Linthout, Belgium
Victor Martinez Campos, Spain
Hanner Mautner, Austria
Arun Mohanraj, United Kingdom
Hannu Rainamo, Finland
Daniel Roos, Austria
Daisy Seilern, Austria
Valter Antunes, Portugal
Stefanie Blochwitz, Switzerland
Raïs De Weirdt, Belgium
Christin Eide, Norway
John Gillooley, Ireland
Heljo Hakulinen, Finland
John Hellström, Sweden
Manuel Iglesias, Spain
Patrick Lombaert, France
Paulo Pinto, Portugal
Erkko Badermann, Finland
Ann Coppens, Belgium
Michal Dobes, Czech Republic
Massimo Giorgetta, Italy
Philipp Jakesch, Austria
Tracey Lund, United Kingdom
Philipp Malli, Austria
Arun Mohanraj, United Kingdom
Risto Raunio, Finland
Martin Steenhaut,Belgium
Mia Surakka, Finland