News from the last FEP meeting in Brussels
FEP President Elect – The FEP member associations met in Brussels on Monday , May , 23rd, to celebrate the annual GA. As a result of the meeting, Jorgen Brandt, Master QEP Photographer living and operating in Denmark, is the new FEP President Elect . He will cooperate with the FEP Board of Directors and support the incumbent president, Neil Warner until the end of his term in 2012. Jorgen Brandt currently and actively holds the position of FEP Press Officer. Elected as the new Chairman of the FEP Syndical cell was Jean-Félix Bernetel, QEP, who is living in France and is currently a member of the FEP Board of Directors. The FEP syndical cell will actively cooperate with UEAPME, once accession of the FEP to this organisation representing SMEs at the European level is completed. The FEP also established an Advisory Committee Cell, to deal with any litigations, and ethic disciplines, which will be chaired by Jim Lowe, QEP, UK, currently, FEP Qualifications Chairman. He will be supported by the FEP Vice President Ivana Matejkova (QEP, Czech Republic) and David Matthews (Previous Associate Dean, Media School, University College Falmouth, UK).New membership – Once the required formal documentation has been provided, the FEP membership will include 3 new associations: The Union Professionnelle des Photographes Francophones, Belgium, the Swedish Photo Group, Sweden and the ULUPUH Photo Department Association, Croatia. Modifications of some articles of the FEP Constitution – The FEP, for the first time since it foundation, on April 4th 1997, has approved some amendments to its by-laws. Some changes were needed, to comply with certain new legal requirements of Belgian law. Alterations included: extended membership criteria for affiliated and individual members, membership admission procedures, the general administration of the FEP, and the inauguration of the new office of President Elect.New graphic line – A new elegant design for the FEP certificates and QEP/MQEP logos has been approved, proposed and illustrated by FEP Board Member, Bernd Gassner, Master QEP. FEP Qualifications – The GA approved the establishment of a new FEP Emerging Talent Awards (FETA), aimed at offering a European wide certification system for young graduating students and photographers 25 years old and under. The establishment of the project will be driven by a working committee in co-operation with some colleges and other educational photographic institutes.
New Master QEP As a result of the 23rd FEP qualification session since the beginning of the system in 1999, the European jury presented with the highest European photographic honours to 2 new Master QEP: Bernd Gassner (Germany) and Vicente Esteban Abad (Spain).
New QEP – The jury also awarded 18 new Qualified European Photographers (QEP) distinctions to: Giordano Benacci, Italy (Wedding); Jean-Félix Bernetel , France (Wedding); Sergio Cancelliere , Italy (Wedding); Enda Cavanagh, Ireland (Fine Art Landscape); Tom Doherty, Ireland (Illustration); Gunther Egger, Austria (Fine Art); Luis Miguel Esteves de Araujo , Portugal (Wedding); José Augusto Ferreira , Portugal (Wedding); Juan José Gonzalez Vega, Spain, (Wedding); Franck Lecrenay, France (Commercial); Yvon Monet, France (Pictorial); Carlos Felipe Ortiz Morel, Spain (Wedding); Vladimir Petrov, Russia (Landscape); Ondrej Prosicky, Czech Republic (Wild life); Kake Regueira Castro, Spain (2 QEP, for Wedding and Portrait); Ilario Scotti, Italy (Wedding); Eleonore Vivas, France (Social Reportage).
Including this session, QEP qualifications awarded since the establishment of the system has reached the significant number of 36 Master QEP and 400 QEP certificates throughout Europe.