QEP/MQEP next session: a new address where to send the panels
Important information for the member associations and QEP and MQEP candidates: We inform you that the next QEP and MQEP session will be held in Denmark, on Sat-Sun June 15-16. This is the address where all the panels must be sent:
KTS – Koebenhavn Teknisk SkoleBroenderslev Allé 252770 Kastrup -DenmarkYou need to indicate on the cases: Att. Jens Ingevall PRIVATE – DO NOT OPENMark: FEP QEP/MQEP
The cases must arrive from June 1st to June 12th The rules and organization of the assessment session will not change, including the return-service of the panels. The dead line for pre-registrations is as usual April 30th .Complete set of rules, entry forms and further details on our website: “qualifications“
(Picture by Clemente Jimenez, MQEP)