FEP European Photo Book of the Year Award 2015
1 This is the third edition of the FEP European Photo Book of the Year Award which is divided into the following categories:
A) ReportageB) PortraitC) LandscapeD) Nature photographyE) NudesF) MonographsG) Commercial ( applications for iPad, calendars, CD-Rom…)H) Self-published books that were not produced by a publisher.2 The aim of this European prize is to promote the photographic book and photography and to acknowledge the outstanding work of professionals in the field.3 All published books can be entered for the competition, with the exception of books produced by members of the jury or connected to them in any way.4 Each book can be entered for the competition either by its author or publisher, who must complete and sign the special entry form (available at www.europeanphotographers.eu).5 A single copy of each book must be sent by no later than 14 March 2015 to the secretary Book of the Year Award 2015 at the following address:FEP European Photo Book of the Year Award 2015c/o Adriano Scognamillo via Bontempi, 2/a 06122 Perugia (Italy)Please write the following two phrases on the outside of the parcel:Volume in visione-partecipazione a concorso FEP (Federation of European Photographers).Inspection copy of book NOT FOR SALE.6 The entry fee for each book is 40,00 euros (60,00 – for not EU countries) to be sent via bank transfer to:Account: 734-0103274-75 – KBC Bank Brussel Schuman, Robert Schumanplein 4, B-1040 BrusselIBAN BE 05 734 0103 274 75 – BIC KREDBEBB7 Books entered for the competition will not be returned but will be donated to the libraries of the universities and colleges whose students win the FETA Award. In the case of books of high value, a request can be made for the books to be returned, but postage costs must be paid by the person making the request.8 The jury will consist of 5 experts nominated by FEP and the jurys decisions will be final. The Jury has the right to move books to a different category or to create a new one should a book deserve it because of its artistic merit.9 – One winner will be chosen for each category and the winner will receive a diploma and a ceramic plate. One book from all the entries will be chosen as FEP Best Photographic Book 2015 and will receive the EUROPEAN BOOK PRIZE.10 – The prize will be given to the person who entered the book for the competition. 11- The organizers reserve the right to promote the event in the media by reproducing images or text from the books entered for the prize.12 The prize-giving ceremony will take place on April 2015 during The GNPP Congress, in Montpellier, France13 – Only the authors/publishers of the books that win prizes will be contacted directly by email or telephone, and it is hoped that they will be able to come and receive the prizes in person.14 Results will be published in the media as well as on the site www.europeanphotographers.eu from the day following the prize-giving.15 Authors and/or publishers must authorize the organizers to use the personal information provided on the entry form in compliance with law no. 675/96 and to publish images from the winning books with the sole aim of promoting the Prize. DOWNLOAD THE ENTRY FORMDATES 14 March 2015 – Final date for submitting entries28 March 2015 – Meeting of the Jury 14 April 2015 – Prize-giving ceremonyCOORDINATOR Adriano Scognamillo Mb +39 349-5037663 mail: info@fotopuck.com via Bontempi, 2a06122 Perugia (Italy)