QEP/MQEP summer session 2016, official results

mqep sess torunWe are happy to announce that at the 33rd session of the FEP European Qualifications held in Torun, Poland, on June 11 and 12, 2016, 5 MASTER QEPs and 11 new QEP (Qualified European Photographers) have been awarded.

Congratulations to MQEPs:

André Boto, (Second) Master QEP, Portugal
Stephan Huger, Master QEP, Austria
Krister Löfroth, Master QEP, Finland
Igor Sakharov, Master QEP, Latvia
Laila Villebeck, Master QEP, Sweden

And to QEPs: 

Dušan Be?o, Slovakia, QEP Macro PhotographyJoão Carlos, Portugal, QEP Fashion
Pavol Delej, Slovakia, QEP PortraitLeo Fellner, Austria, QEP PortraitNancy Fina, Italy, QEP Fashion
Pekka Homanen, Finland, QEP Fine Art
Pekka Homanen, Finland, QEP PortraitAntonio Peinado Muñoz, Spain, QEP Nude
Eric Traversie, France, QEP Portrait
Marie-Pascale Vandewalle, Belgium, QEP Reportage
Vladimir Veverka, Slovakia, QEP Portrait

CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!The next QEP/MQEP judging session will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on November 19-20, 2016.Registrations will open on September 1st, 2016.Picture by Photographer Eugenio Li Volsi, QEP