FEP Board Meeting, Amsterdam, November 2016, Report
The FEP Board OF Directors met in Amsterdam, Netherland, on November 21, 2016. The meeting has been perfectly organized by the FEP Board Member Willem van der Vlies.
The FEP CEO Giuseppe Scozzi addressed a farewell speech to the Board. The FEP Board presented the CEO with the prestigious FEP Merit Award, thanking him for the cooperation, which lasted for more than 20 years. From January, 1st, 2017, the new CEO will be Anna Kaleva-Tsagklas, who is now serving FEP as the Event Manager.
Among others, the Board confirmed the calendar of event for the next year and approved a change in the EP rules, transforming the EP qualification in a LIFE-LONG distinction, without limitations.
As for the future FETA Awards, it has been decided that the students or young photographers who will earn FETA merits will also win a free submission for the QEP qualification.
Based on the report of the FEP President Andreas Barylli-Fayer, the FEP Board will be happy to support the Austrian project Masterfestival Nordkette/Tyrol, an exhibition which will present each year 5 MQEP in an open space on top of a mountain called Seegrube.
Finally, all FEP awarded photographers will have the possibility to receive a professional card certifying their status. The project presented by the President of the Portuguese association Rui Teixeira will be investigated in cooperation with the FEP Brand Manager Bernd Gassner.
FEP Board Members Picture by QEP Eugenio Li Volsi, Amsterdam, November 21, 2016