FEP Video Qualifications 2016 – Official results

IMG-20161101-WA0018Congratulations to our new QEVs and EVs!

At the second FEP video qualifications judging session, held in Segovia, Spain, on November 1st, 2016, 10 QEV (Qualified European Videographers) and 5 EV (European Videographers) have been awarded!
Congratulations to (alphabetic order):
Freddy David Barreira Filipe, Portugal, QEV Social Reportage
Nelson Coelho, Portugal, QEV Commercial 
Márcio da Costa Cortez, Portugal, QEV Commercial 
José Antonio de los Dolores Barrios, Spain, QEV Drawing and Documentary
Marco del pino Munoz, Spain, QEV Social Reportage
Orlando do Castro Fernandes, Portugal, QEV Social Reportage
Daniel Ferreira, Portugal, QEV Social Reportage
Gabriel Martos Moya, Spain, QEV Commercial
Diogo Emanuel Pereira de Sampaio, Portugal, QEV Social Reportage
André Manuel Soares Gomes, Portugal, QEV Social Reportage
Manuel Girol Gutierrez, EV, Spain
Andrey Guryanov, EV, Russia
Miguel Angel Latorre Justicia, EV, Spain
Juan Manuel Lorite Mahillo, EV, Spain
Tomás Cristóbal Rodríguez, EV, Spain
Thanks to the EV/QEV Chairman of the Jury, Neil Warner, the QEV judges for their precious work, the hosting association FEPFI, the FEP CEO Giuseppe Scozzi and all the supporting team!