Dominique Giannelli, France

The MQEP session “June 2025” is open.

Note : Filenames should be under 32 characters and contain no special symbols or accents. Files should be uploaded at the original file resolution, at least 4,000px on the long side.The pixel count of an image must not exceed 100 Megapixels (100 MP) otherwise it will be not accepted by the system.

Session Details 2025

The MQEP session "June 2025" will be in Alingsås, Sweden, on June 28-29. Registrations are open.

The application fee is € 295. Early birds fees for a first period will be € 270.

A cost of € 60 is asked for panels return. (NB! Return shipping to non-EU countries may include additional fees).

The address to send panels is: (to be communicated)

Panels must arrive NOT LATER THAN June 27. Panels arriving later may be judged at the discretion of the Chairman.

Enter online

Entries Close : 20/06/2025

To enter the competition:

1) Check the rules

Make sure you know the rules before entering!

click here to read

2) Register/Log in

You need to have an FEP account to enter.

existing users log in here

new users register here

Lost your password, or unsure if you have an account?

reset password here

3) Begin entry

click here to enter