Arne Beck

Norway - Norges Fotografforbund


Portraiture Fashion Commercial


I started out just looking at the light, before I could even afford a camera. It was so beautiful, mysterious and had so many secrets. As a rebellious youth, music was my main interest at the time but when I finally got my first decent camera and developed those first photographs, I was sold. From that instant I knew this was my music, my passion. Experiencing life, light and learning about it through this fantastic medium. Everything you photograph reflects back at you, and I love that. Being in constant change and motion, catching the moments where all your previous experiences blends into one precise moment. I searched out some of my favourite photographers in Norway and was lucky to learn from some of the great ones. By letters of recommendation from Morten Krogvold and Paul Bernhard I got an apprenticeship at master photographer Hans J. Bruns´. Here I learned the fine art of photography in the darkroom and got my craftsmanship degree. From there on it has been one amazing journey.


Olav Kyrresgate 36



