Peter Mathis

Austria - Bundesinnung der Berufsfotografen

Qualified European PhotographerMaster Qualified European Photographer


Sport Landscape Portrait


Peter Mathis was born in 1961 and lives in Hohenems, Austria. His internationally-commissioned work takes him all over the world. Since 1986, the primary focus of his work has been outdoor- and sports photography. Dynamic shots of skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, climbing, mountain-biking, cycle racing, motor sports and of landscapes show him to be a true master of his genre. Today he is hired by national and international companies, magazines and agencies and his pictures appear regularly in the specialist press and in advertising. In 2007, he was awarded the title of "Hasselblad Master" and in 2008 the "Master of European Photography" from the Association of European Professional Photographers in Belgium. In 1992 his first book appeared and many others followed including Sportklettern in den Alpen (Sports Climbing in the Alps), Freeride, Leidenschaft Vorarlberg (A Passion for Vorarlberg), Visual Dualism Dolomites and ALPEN (Alps). Since 2009 he has become more immersed in landscape photography and producing large format works. Digital Fine Art Prints have been produced from many of his motifs and they are becoming increasingly popular in the art photography market. Some time ago he discovered the challenging area of portrait photography. By concentrating on black and white photography he strives to reveal its inner laws and uncover the entire gamut of expression in his images. This approach applies to his landscapes as well as portraits. Regardless of the type of picture, the authenticity of his work plays a prominent role for Peter Mathis. His essential design elements are light and structure. Light reflected by the object should be optimized so that it serves the overall structure and composition of the image. A picture therefore is not a simple reproduction of a predetermined motif, but instead is developed with the camera while on site. He refuses any simulation of artificial light moods or movements on the computer that are not reproducible in a physical sense. He is only interested in “true” nature, that which we can actually experience, instead of computer generated artifices. Many of his works aim to recognize and capture the fleeting nature of the moment, which requires enormous patience and experience. Quick and superficial effects are avoided at all costs.


Erlachstrasse 45


+43 (0)5576 75083
